www-data shadow staff students 2016/03 AVUI – Hackathon on AudioVisual User Interfaces: Call for Participation |

2016/03 AVUI – Hackathon on AudioVisual User Interfaces: Call for Participation


My Enabling AVUIs 2-year research project at Goldsmiths (avuis.goldsmithsdigital.com) is coming to an end in around one month. I am developing one more project before I leave: an openFrameworks add-on, ofxAVUI, with Borut Kumperščak. ofxAVUI will be ready in around 10 days.

ofxAVUI allows for combining UI elements such as XY pads, faders and buttons with sounds and their visualisations. With it, you can create a performance app, a controller, or an audiovisual UI for anything you can think of…

ofxAVUI is inspired by:

1) the Gen.AV projects www.gen-av.org

2) the evaluation that was made of them by experts

3) my own project AVZones: www.avzones.org

AVZones is the closest thing to ofxAVUI I can show you at the moment – you can think of ofxAVUI as a highly configurable platform (in terms of UI elements, visualisation and sound manipulation) for creating apps such as AVZones. Please check www.avzones.org.


To test ofxAVUI and gather feedback on it, I’m organising a 1-day hackathon at Goldsmiths on 12th March, 10am-5pm. Aim: to develop whatever you want with ofxAVUI, for iOS (ideally) or desktop. This would be followed by a face-to-face 30 minute interview, to be booked individually depending on your preference, on 13th or 14th March.


Would you be interested in participating? If so, just send a short email to nc [at] goldsmithsdigital.com. There are still 3 places left. Also, feel free to ask me for more info. Deadline for replies: 11th March.