We are organizing Gen.AV, a 2-day hackathon on the topic of interactive computer-generated audiovisuals. During the hackathon, we will develop functioning prototypes of software tools for audiovisual performance. In particular, we would like to explore issues such as interaction design, reconfigurability, ease of use, audience involvement, and computer-generated sound and visuals. The hackathon is co-organised by Goldsmiths / EAVI group (http://eavi.goldsmithsdigital.com) and the Music Hackspace (http://musichackspace.org). It will be conducted by Nuno Correia (http://eavi.goldsmithsdigital.com/staff/dr-nuno-correia/).
The hackathon will take place on the 25th and 26th July 2015, from 10am to 8pm, at the London Music Hackspace. A performance presenting the successful results will take place on the 30th July at Goldsmiths, University of London. Participation in the performance is optional. More information on the performance will follow later.
The hackathon follows upon a previous one conducted half a year ago, but is independent from it. Previous participants are welcome to participate again. Information on the previous hackathon and performance: http://avuis.goldsmithsdigital.com/gen-av-feb-2015/
Participants in the hackathon should have the following profile/experience:
• knowledge of programming – ability to develop a software prototype (for example using Processing, openFrameworks, PureData, Max/MSP, Javascript…); and
• interest (or experience) in audiovisual performance.
Participation in the hackathon is free of charge. Participants should bring their own computers, headphones, and development software/environments. Code from the different prototypes will be released as open-source. Successful projects will be presented by the participants in a performance.
Please apply for the workshop here, until 10th July:
Confirmations regarding application will be sent 11th July.
For any enquiries, please contact Nuno Correia: nc[at]goldsmithsdigital.com
The hackathon is part of the Enabling AVUIs research project being conducted at Goldsmiths / EAVI group, and supported by the European Union (Marie Curie programme). More information: http://avuis.goldsmithsdigital.com.
(Image: Adam John Williams and Bruce Lane presenting ABP at Gen.AV 1, by Alessandro Altavilla)