Sonic Interaction Design (SID) is one of several concepts related to sonification of data or interaction.
SID “explores ways in which sound can be used to convey information, meaning and aesthetic and emotional qualities in interactive contexts”, where “in order to foster an embodied experience, both the interface and its sonic behaviour must be carefully designed”
- Franinovic, K. & Serafin, S., 2013. Sonic Interaction Design, The MIT Press.
Interactive sonification is defined as “the use of sound within a tightly closed human–computer interface where the auditory signal provides information about data under analysis, or about the interaction itself”
- Hermann, T. & Hunt, A., 2005. An Introduction to Interactive Sonification. IEEE MultiMedia, 12(2), pp.20–24.
Auditory icons provide a natural way to represent dimensional data as well as conceptual objects in a computer system. They allow categorization of data into distinct families, using a single sound.
- Gaver, W.W., 1986. Auditory Icons: Using Sound in Computer Interfaces. Hum.-Comput. Interact., 2(2), pp.167–177.
Auditory display relates to “use of sound to display data, monitor systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers and virtual reality systems” – from the International Community / Conference for Auditory Display